-> Version: 1 ------------------------> Table: Answers uniqueID ID fullName decadeBorn gender ethnicityWhite ethnicityBlack ethnicityAsian ethnicityHispanic ethnicityOther ethnicityOtherText internetFrequency demographicsOther question1 question2 question3 ------------------------> Table: PagesOfQuestions uniqueRowID page orderIndex questionID 14 1 1 14 1 1 2 1 2 1 3 2 13 2 1 13 10 2 2 10 6 2 3 6 15 2 4 15 7 2 5 7 8 2 6 8 16 2 7 16 9 2 8 9 11 2 9 11 12 2 10 12 17 2 11 17 21 2 12 21 18 2 13 18 26 2 14 19 27 2 15 20 3 3 1 4 4 3 2 3 5 3 3 5 22 4 1 19 23 4 2 20 ------------------------> Table: QuestionChoices uniqueRowID choice questionID orderIndex 1 "1910-1919" 7 1 2 "1920-1929" 7 2 3 "1930-1939" 7 3 4 "1940-1949" 7 4 5 "1950-1959" 7 5 6 "1960-1969" 7 6 7 "1970-1979" 7 7 8 "1980-1989" 7 8 9 "1990-1999" 7 9 10 "male" 8 1 11 "female" 8 2 12 "Never" 11 1 13 "Every few months" 11 2 14 "Every few weeks" 11 3 15 "1-2 days a week" 11 4 16 "3-5 days a week" 11 5 17 "About once a day" 11 6 18 "Several times a day" 11 7 ------------------------> Table: Questions questionID question endQuestion typeOfQuestion dbField typeOfAnswer sourceOfAnswerChoices numberOfChoices pageIDInsideThis questionIDForAnswerTable randomizeAnswerOrder cacheRandomizeAnswerOrder autoSubmitWhenFinishedWithThisQuestion backgroundColor helpText 1 "

Applied Research Methods Online Survey Example

Below are some example questions that a researcher might want to ask in an online survey. For our purposes, the formatting of response categories is as important as the questions themselves.
Each question represents a different feature that HTML has to offer:
  1. text field -- called a "short answer" question
  2. drop-down menu with response options
  3. radio buttons where only one value can be marked
  4. check boxes where multiple values can be marked and a text field for specifying another response
  5. radio button scale with a value already checked
  6. a text area with predetermined columns and rows as well as word wrapping
  7. a scale header and a scale
In addition, there is a first page, a "login" page, and lastly, a "thank you" page confirming that the survey was finished and saved." "PlainText" "ffffff" 2 "Email" "Text" "Email" "stringKey" 3 'Thank you for filling out the survey!

To log out and restart this survey, click here.

' "PlainText" 13 "Questions 1-6 This is a sample demographics page. You may want to base your own demographics page on this one. If you use this as your demographics page, you should make some modifications and delete the scale questions at the end (they are not valid scales, but sample scales)." "" "Notes" "" "string" "" 1 "" "" 14 '(This area is a "Notes" area -- it does not show up in the actual survey. Notes areas show up with a light blue arrow to the left of them).
This page, the first page, is the "Login" page. You should not put regular survey questions on it. Instead, use this in one of two ways: ' "" "Notes" "" "string" "" 1 "" "" 4 "You're Done!" "Title" 5 "" "Title" 6 "1. What is your full name?" "" "Text" "fullName" "string" "" "" 7 "2. In which decade were you born?" "" "DropDown" "decadeBorn" "string" "table" "" 8 "3. What is your gender?" "" "RadioButton" "gender" "string" "table" "" 9 "" "" "Abstract" "" "string" "table" "" 10 "Demographics" "" "Title" "" "string" "" 1 "" "" 11 "5. How often do you use the Internet?" "" "RadioButton" "internetFrequency" "number" "table" "" 12 "6. Is there anything else you would like to say about yourself?" "" "TextArea" "demographicsOther" "string" "table" "" 15 "The following age question is a drop-down letting people select their age within a decade. If you want to increase anonymity, you can use a drop-down with the decade, instead of asking a person for their exact age. If anonymity is not an issue, you can simply use a short answer question." "" "Notes" "" "string" "" 1 "" "" 16 'The following question is an example of an "abstract" type question. "Abstract" questions can be assembled from many different types of questions. But, they can be tricky to make -- the GUI for editing abstract questions is currently poor. For directions on creating and editing abstract questions, see http://websurveytoolbox.org/help/FAQ.html#NonListedQuestionType' "" "Notes" "" "string" "" 1 "" "" 17 "7. Please rate yourself on the following scales." "" "PlainText" "" "string" "" 1 "ffffff" "" 18 "" "" "HorizontalRadioHeaders" "" "number" "likert" 7 1 "" "" 19 "Introvert" "Extrovert" "RadioButton" "question1" "number" "likert" 7 1 "" 20 "Not Neurotic" "Very Neurotic" "RadioButton" "question2" "number" "likert" 7 1 "" 21 "The following is a sample set of scales. You'll always want to precede a "scale" question with a "header" or "scale header" question. The "header" shows the scale from 1-7 or from "Not at all" to "very much"." "" "Notes" "" "string" "" 1 "" "" 22 "" "" "PageGroup" "indexSelected4" "string" "" 4 1 "" "" 23 "Question 1" "" "Text" "question3" "string" "" "" ------------------------> Table: QuestionsAuxillaryOptions uniqueRowID questionID orderIndex typeOfOption auxillaryOptionTextA auxillaryOptionTextB auxillaryOptionTextC auxillaryOptionTextD auxillaryOptionTextE auxillaryOptionTextF auxillaryOptionTextG auxillaryOptionNumberA auxillaryOptionNumberB auxillaryOptionNumberC 13 2 0 "Default Value" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" 1 6 0 "Default Value" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" 2 7 0 "Default Value" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" 3 8 0 "Default Value" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" 4 9 0 "Default Value" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" 5 9 1 "Question" "4. What is your race/ethnicity?" "" "" "" "" "" "" 6 9 2 "Checkbox" "ethnicityWhite" "number" "White/Caucasian" "" "number" "" "" 7 9 3 "Checkbox" "ethnicityBlack" "number" "Black/African American" "" "number" "" "" 8 9 4 "Checkbox" "ethnicityAsian" "number" "Asian/Pacific Islander" "" "number" "" "" 9 9 5 "Checkbox" "ethnicityHispanic" "number" "Hispanic/Mexican American" "" "number" "" "" 10 9 6 "Checkbox" "ethnicityOther" "number" "Other" "ethnicityOtherText" "number" "" "" 11 11 0 "Default Value" "1" "" "" "" "" "" "" 12 12 0 "Default Value" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" 14 19 0 "Default Value" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" 15 20 0 "Default Value" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" 16 22 0 "Default Value" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" 17 23 0 "Default Value" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" ------------------------> Table: SurveyPages page orderIndex name answersTable submitButtonLabel repeatedMeasureTable repeatedMeasureNumber jumpToPage 4 "Page" "Answers" 1 1 "Login" "Users" 2 2 "Page 1" "Answers" 3 3 "Done With Survey" "Answers" ------------------------> Table: TableVersion uniqueID TableName Version 1 "TableVersion" 1 2 "Users" 1 3 "Answers" 1 4 "QuestionsAuxillaryOptions" 1 5 "QuestionChoices" 1 6 "Questions" 1 7 "PagesOfQuestions" 1 8 "SurveyPages" 1 ------------------------> Table: Users ID Email Started Finished IPAddress PreviousIDs CurrentPage