Code Block | ||||
| ||||
<%@include file="include_questionnaire.jsp"%> <survey:surveypage pageName="Page 9" pageWidth="600" nextPage="random2.jsp" submitButtonText="Next" showSubmitButton="true" timeResponses="false" rememberPageUserIsOn="true" pageToLoginTo="index.jsp" tableToVerifyLoginTo="Users" isLoginPage="false" /> <%@include file="survey_end.jsp"%> |
4. Next, we will need a total of 4 random jsp pages. Three will be used for the measure pages (random.jsp, random1.jsp, and random2.jsp for pages 1,2,3 & 4,5,6 & 7,8,9 respectively) and the 4th - randomMeasure.jsp for the measures A, B, and C.
For random1.jsp, random2.jsp and randomMeasure.jsp we will need to make an extra column in the User Table. In the Survey Manager, Choose - Data - Users. Click in the data portion of the randomPageOrder column (not the header) then click the "Add Column" button and name the first added column randomPageOrder1 and make sure it is a String. Repeat creating randomPageOrder2, and randomMeasure.
5. To create the random pages follow step 3 in the first example. After the first is created (random.jsp), save it as random1.jsp, random2.jsp, and again as randomMeasure.jsp. The code in your random pages should look like this:
Code Block | ||||
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<%@include file="include_questionnaire.jsp"%>
<% /** random.jsp will randomize pages 1-3 **/
if (redirectRandomOrderTo("Users", "RandomPageOrder", new String[]{"page1.jsp", "page2.jsp", "page3.jsp", " })) {
} else {
<%@include file="survey_end.jsp"%>