

Are you interested in helping out? Read more.


Project Lead: Aaron Powers
PI: Sara Kiesler

Project Developers:

  • Tom Lianza (back-end development)
  • David Housman (Codebook generation)
  • Peter Centgraf(survey manager original design)
  • Saagar Patel (survey manager)
  • Joel Donovan (database compatibility)

Special Thanks To:

Documentation (this site)

Have you helped out? Add yourself to the list! Create a profile for yourself (click on the top under your userid to edit it) and put up a link to here. Pictures are great under profiles.

Supporting Organizations

This project has also been supported by groups donating many people's time: ReserveSport, LLC (when it was a startup before it became free), HomeNet (NSF Grant #IIS-9625862  and #IIS-9900449 ), the Project on People and Robots (NSF #IIS-0121426 ), the Evolution of Social Ties in the Age of the Internet (NSF Grant #IIS-0208900 ), and the Carnegie Mellon Human-Computer Interaction Institute.

Thanks also to our great beta users who have given feedback and sent in bug reports and feature requests.
Also see the SourceForge site for the list of developers

Atlassian supports our efforts by contributing hosting for Confluence, the professional wiki, and JIRA, the Issue Tracker. Read more.

We use many different software tools and libraries, without which, this toolbox would not be possible.