Whenever you add a feature, you should add it to the Selenium Automatic Test.
Note |
title | "The type javax.faces.context.ExternalContext cannot be resolved" |
If you get an error saying "The type javax.faces.context.ExternalContext cannot be resolved", try this: - Right click on your project, WST_Manager_Webapp.
- In the left side, expand "Project facets" and select"Java Server Faces".
- On the top of the right panel, do you see an error message saying something like "Required class java.faces.FactoryFinder does not exist in selected libraries"?
- Click the little disk icon with an arrow (representing download).
- Select IceFaces core Library v1.8.2.
- Click Next.
- Check "I accept".
- Click "Finish".
- In the list of libraries, make sure the box next to it is checked -- check it if it's not.
- Repeat the same for the "IceFaces Facelets Library", "IceFaces Support Library", "JSF 1.2 (Sun RI)", and "Standardized EL Library"
- Sometimes Eclipse doesn't actually add these correctly. You may need to click "Ok" then go back in and check off each of those libraries in the list.
Note |
title | "java.lang.ClassNotFoundException: org.eclipse.birt.report.listener.ViewerServletContextListener" |
If you see this, read about it and how to fix it. |
Note |
title | "java.lang.IllegalArgumentException: Document base (Your-Eclipse-Workspace)\.metadata\.plugins\org.eclipse.wst.server.core\tmp0\wtpwebapps\WST_Manager_Webappdoes not exist or is not a readable directory" |
Follow the same steps to solve as above – close your project, quit eclipse, open your project, clean it, and try again. |
Note |
title | "java.lang.OutOfMemoryError: PermGen space" |
If you see this in Tomcat, you should follow these directions . |