Step 3 - Running Automatic Builds And Tests

Step 3 - Running Automatic Builds And Tests

<- Previous Step: Step 2 - Getting The Code

If you've installed all of the optional tools described on Step 1 - How To Set Up Your Development Environment then you can automate your build and test process.

Using Ant, Selenium, and CubicTest, this can start up and test the base build to see that everything is working from scratch.This is the preferred way to do testing -- automated tests are much more thorough than anything an individual can do.

  1. Make sure that you DON'T have anything important in your MySQL database named "wsttemptest" nor "wsttemptestsurvey". These MySQL databases will be wiped clean every time you launch the test framework. Also make sure that you DON'T have a launch profile in Eclipse that's named "websurveytoolbox" nor "wsttemptestsurvey" because these will be overwritten in this automatic build process.
  2. Edit SeleniumCubicTest/tomcatFromScratch/build.properties
    1. Read the directions in there about how to customize this file.
  3. Let's install a quick shortcut to building, deploying, and testing, your code.
    (Note that every time you checkout and there's been an update to the "WST_EclipseHelper_Plugin" project you'll want to do this again).
    1. In Eclipse, go to "File -> Export ..."
    2. Under "Plug-In Development" choose "Deployable plug-ins and fragments". Click "Next".
    3. Check the box next to "WST_Eclipse_Helper_Plugin".
    4. Click the radio button "Install into host"
    5. Click "Finish"
    6. When Eclipse asks if you want to restart, say "Yes".
  4. In Eclipse, go to the "WST" menu and click "Build And Run Tests" every time you want to test out your code. It'll build, run the full test suite, and report on errors.
  5. Watch the test fly by!

You may want to add your own tests for new features you develop -- you may want to put these in your own test file or add them to TestFromScratch.aat.

Whenever you add a feature, you should add it to the Selenium Automatic Test.

"The type javax.faces.context.ExternalContext cannot be resolved"

If you get an error saying "The type javax.faces.context.ExternalContext cannot be resolved", try this:

  1. Right click on your project, WST_Manager_Webapp.
  2. In the left side, expand "Project facets" and select"Java Server Faces".
  3. On the top of the right panel, do you see an error message saying something like "Required class java.faces.FactoryFinder does not exist in selected libraries"?
  4. Click the little disk icon with an arrow (representing download).
    1. Select IceFaces core Library v1.8.2.
    2. Click Next.
    3. Check "I accept".
    4. Click "Finish".
    5. In the list of libraries, make sure the box next to it is checked -- check it if it's not.
  5. Repeat the same for the "IceFaces Facelets Library", "IceFaces Support Library", "JSF 1.2 (Sun RI)", and "Standardized EL Library"
  6. Sometimes Eclipse doesn't actually add these correctly. You may need to click "Ok" then go back in and check off each of those libraries in the list.

"java.lang.ClassNotFoundException: org.eclipse.birt.report.listener.ViewerServletContextListener"

"java.lang.IllegalArgumentException: Document base (Your-Eclipse-Workspace)\.metadata\.plugins\org.eclipse.wst.server.core\tmp0\wtpwebapps\WST_Manager_Webappdoes not exist or is not a readable directory"

Follow the same steps to solve as above – close your project, quit eclipse, open your project, clean it, and try again.

"java.lang.OutOfMemoryError: PermGen space"

If you see this in Tomcat, you should follow these directions .

Next Step -> Step 4 - Learn About The Architecture