Step 2 - Getting The Code
Step 2 - Getting The Code
<- Previous Step: Step 1 - How To Set Up Your Development Environment
- In Eclipse, go to File -> Import -> Team Project Set.
- Download WebSurveyToolboxTeamProjectSet.psf and import it. This will get you all of the key project files.
- When you've checked out the project, set up the standard code formatting so that you'll use the same code style as the rest of the project members. Go to "Window" -> "Preferences" -> "Java" -> "Code Style".
- From there, go to "Code Formatter" and import the XML settings file in your project to format code, "jspsurveylib/EclipseStandardCodeFormatting.xml".
- From there, go to "Code Templates" and import the XML settings file for new files, etc, in "jspsurveylib/EclispeStandardCodeTemplates.xml". You may want to change a few of the templates so that they have your name as the file creator instead.
Next Step -> Step 3 - Running Automatic Builds And Tests
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