Step 2 - Getting The Code

Step 2 - Getting The Code

<- Previous Step: Step 1 - How To Set Up Your Development Environment
  1. In Eclipse, go to File -> Import -> Team Project Set.
  2. Download WebSurveyToolboxTeamProjectSet.psf and import it. This will get you all of the key project files.
  3. When you've checked out the project, set up the standard code formatting so that you'll use the same code style as the rest of the project members. Go to "Window" -> "Preferences" -> "Java" -> "Code Style".
    1. From there, go to "Code Formatter" and import the XML settings file in your project to format code, "jspsurveylib/EclipseStandardCodeFormatting.xml".
    2. From there, go to "Code Templates" and import the XML settings file for new files, etc, in "jspsurveylib/EclispeStandardCodeTemplates.xml".  You may want to change a few of the templates so that they have your name as the file creator instead.
Next Step ->  Step 3 - Running Automatic Builds And Tests